Crown Heights Community Chior

Crown Heights Community Choir is a brand new ensemble project created from the desire to bring the neighborhood together through the connective power of singing in harmony. Singers of all ages and experience are invited to participate, and there is no audition. We learn to attune to one another and become beautiful together through our shared practice. This is a choir for everyone. You do not have to read music to participate. Voice part recordings will be given as a learning and practice resource.

Program Information

Fall Song Cycle 2024 registration is closed.

Ability Level: All - no audition needed

Our choir members range from shower to show singers and everyone in between. Arrangements are taught by ear (meaning you don’t need to be able to read sheet music to join us).

Participants: Maximum 17

How to get involved: Please get in touch for info about joining our Spring 2025 cycle. If you reach out now, you will be added to a general waitlist for our spring song cycle. Once dates are finalized, I will reach back out to you with a registration link.

For more information please email


When you register, you’ll be asked to select a voice part. 

All gender identities are absolutely welcome to select any voice part!  To remain accessible for singers of all experience levels, none of the voice parts are particularly high or low.  If you are an experienced and versatile singer, we always need more singers in the soprano and bass/baritone sections!

Click on each to hear a low pitch followed by a high pitch.  Pick the one where your voice has the most comfort hitting both the low and the high note, as most of the songs will be voiced for you in between these two pitches.

If this makes zero sense to you, no worries at all! I will help you figure out your voice part when you arrive!



