CHMS School Policy
At Crown Heights Music School, our mission is to help you succeed in learning or improving at an instrument. In order for us to offer the best private lessons we can at the lowest rates we can, it is important to us to hold the following policies:
24-Hour Cancelation Policy:
We require 24 hours' notice for any lesson cancellations or rescheduling. If this notice isn't given in time, you’ll still be charged for the missed lesson. No exceptions.
Our teachers are all part-time professionals with their own music careers, and they plan their schedules around the lessons booked here. That’s why it’s crucial for students to respect our 24-hour cancellation policy. When you book a lesson, the teacher is setting aside time, possibly turning down other opportunities to work with you. Because of this, we require 24 hours’ notice for any cancellations or changes.
When you register for lessons, you are committing to 4 lessons during the months September through June. If you must miss a lesson, we will try to make it up.
July & August are flexible.
Sick on Day of Lesson:
If you wake up sick the morning of your lesson, you can opt for a zoom lesson (not ideal for vocal students but doable). We all genuinely care and give a lot to our students, please keep in mind our teachers livelihood is directly correlated to your commitment. If you must call out sick on the day of your lesson, please understand that we still must charge you as it is not enough time to fill your lesson slot.
Monthly payments are expected to be paid within 10 days of receiving your invoice unless you have communicated with us otherwise.
Payments can be made online via Venmo, Zelle or PayPal.
We reserve the right to cancel or, with your consent, reschedule any lesson at any time:
We make every effort to avoid canceling lessons, but occasionally, for various reasons, it may be necessary. We appreciate your understanding that this is a rare occurrence. If we do need to cancel, you will not be charged for the missed lesson. In some cases, a substitute teacher may step in if your regular instructor is unavailable.
There are no guaranteed makeup lessons as all teachers are typically fully booked in advance. If possible, we will try to reschedule.
Please be on time. We keep a tight schedule and cannot offer extra time as students are scheduled back to back. Traffic and train delays are (unfortunately) a part of NY life, please plan accordingly.
No Longer Wish To Take Lessons:
Lessons can be stopped at anytime, we ask that you finish out the month and give us a month’s notice. Please send us an email to confirm. We will be sad to see you go!
Going on vacation? Need to miss your next lesson?
No problem! Please give us 7 days notice via email (verbal confirmation sometimes gets lost in the abyss in the middle of teaching).
In efforts to keep our school as environmentally friendly as possible, we ask each student to please bring your own water bottle to refill at the water station (especially if you are a voice student).
Please remember, we're not a franchise – we're a family-owned and operated school. Our teachers truly care about your success, and at the heart of everything we do is a passion for bringing music and joy to our ever-growing community.
For further questions regarding our policy, please reach out to us at info@crownheightsmusicschool.com or fill out our info request form to schedule a trial lesson.